التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2015

Can you believe that this image is part of the planet ?!

It is a picture of Mount F. law in Libya, which is a composition of geologic wondrous located in south-central Libya, where Eetmzj dark volcanic basalt with greenery of trees and plants, and the blue of the surrounding lakes amid the golden-sand desert, to make all the paintings in the utmost beauty!

Waw Al Namus

Mount Waw Al Namus is a volcanic mountain in south-central Libya and South Harouj. A height of 575 meters, and is considered one of the most surprising parts of the world where the words are on the volcanic mountain and tinplate extinct volcano The basaltic rocks black, with a large number of multiple colors scattered lakes on the foot with Kalgosb plants, bamboo and trees proximity Kalnkhil and tamarisk. The circular nozzle extends volcano deployed at a distance estimated at between 10 to 20 kilometers. The area provides habitat and nature reserves for a number of birds and animals

From the Sahara desert

One of the oases scattered in Algeria in the Sahara desert

From the Sahara desert

Be rocky for the arc in the south of Algeria

From the Sahara desert

Race in May Mountains that form part of the Saharan north of Niger.

The wonders of the Sahara

The wonders of the Sahara will not Tanthenne and every day we discover something new and strange and amazing information, In the middle of the desert of Chad (northeast) Africa is a logical charming beauty like a piece of the past, the name of the place Guelta d'Archei a beautiful oasis between two mountains, and come with herds of camels to drink water and bathe in, and live in the oasis water Thompsaih Nile

What Made The Sahara Desert?

Sahara animals

Sahara animals Live in the Sahara desert a lot of animals and reptiles and wild birds and months R. those animals camel and fox and deer and hawks and eagles and many species of animals and other birds

Libyan Sahara Desert

Libyan Sahara Desert is located in North Africa, a part of Sub-Saharan Africa, which includes deserts in western Egypt and eastern Libya and northwestern Sudan. The area covers up to 1,100,000 square kilometers, measuring 1,000 kilometers from north to south and 1,100 kilometers from east to west. And called on the reality within the borders of Egypt, called "Western Sahara".

Temperature in the Sahara

Temperature varies greatly between day and night in the desert in the middle of the day in summer can reach the temperature to 80 ° C while the heat up in the night to minus nine degrees in the winter.

Camel is the main means of transport in the desert

Camel is the main means of transport in the desert, where can carry 300 kg and transports them to a distance of 40 kilometers in one day. The camel weight between 450: 650 kg. In the winter sentences be able to survive without water for a few months and the only water that comes to him through the weeds. Camel and can lose 30% of its weight without harmed while in humans the loss of 15% of the weight can lead to death. After 5-6 days without a camel can drink to drink 200 liters of water in a few hours. The camel caravans of up to 12 000, a number of sentences was possible to see even the beginnings of the last century, but now has become a place of beauty trucks replace lost camel former importance.

11 countries of the Sahara

Includes 11 countries of the Sahara are Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Chad, Mali, Niger, Eritrea and make their Nile River Broalfdh also has the Atlas mountain range.

Sandstorms in sahara desert

Sandstorms common phenomenon in the desert, when a sandstorm per heels meter contains 1,000 tons dust, while the desert can contain 100 million tons of dust. Per year wind carrying 260 million tons of dust and sand into the Atlantic Ocean from the Sahara Desert.

the oasis

There is a population in the Sahara desert about 90 large oasis biggest them about a thousand people, while the smaller inhabited by a few families, and the oasis area of 2,100 square kilometers and form 0023% of the sub-Saharan area.  

During 300-year-only area turned into a desert

In 2000 BC, the Sahara was still green area most notably herbal during 300 years only turned the area into a huge desert at the end of the year 1700 BC.

the first time human settlement area

Five thousand years ago the BC human settlement area for the first time and was covered by the river length and breadth

rainy period in the Sahara desert lasted for 9,000

In 16800 BC before rainy period in the Sahara desert lasted for 9,000 years, so that the position was a green steppes sponsored by the enormous herds of wild animals began.

The largest desert in the world ... the African Sahara

Af rican Sahara is the largest desert in the world, is located in the continent of sub-Saharan Africa. Politically, and consists of all the African countries that fully or partially located south of the Sahara (excluding Sudan). Contrasts with North Africa, which is part of the Arab world, Somalia, Djibouti and Comoros, Mauritania is geographically part of sub-Saharan Africa, but also part of the Arab world. Sahel is the transition zone between the Sahara and tropical savanna (Sudan region) and savanna mosaic of forests to the south. Since probably 5.9 kilo current year's event was separated Saharan regions and sub-Saharan Africa from extremely severe climatic conditions of the desert is sparsely populated, has been the formation of an effective barrier interrupted by only the Nile River in Sudan, despite the fact that the Nile blocked by cataracts eye of the river. Sahara pump theory explains how plant and animal life (including human so sapiens) left Africa to penetrat...

mystery of sahara desert

Considered the Sahara since time immemorial of the most mysterious regions of our planet. Researchers around the world have failed over the centuries in solving the mystery arise. Norwegian scientists in climate studies center in Bergen Norwegian posed a new hypothesis for the formation of the Sahara, says that the emergence dates back to a period far more than previously thought. Published "Nature" magazine, the results of those studies where the Norwegians scientists prepare computerized model to change the Earth's climate over hundreds of thousands of years, and came to the conclusion that the desert has replaced the ocean "Taces" which was filled in the period of the Middle Ages. Scientists believe that the perimeter "Taces" take disappears from the face of the earth for about 11 million a year, due to weak monsoon strength and deflection stream of moisture from the tropical Atlantic region to the south. The results of the studies indicate...
Libyan Sahara Water from the Desert The Secrets of Nature Documentary

The green land

The Sahara desert was green land, and even today we still find drawings of the old folks in the caves and reflect the rich animal life that lived in the area before desertification.

The Great Desert

Sahara is desert occupies the greater part of North Africa, the largest deserts warm in the world with an area exceeds the 9 million square kilometers, and frequently and Godallowahat in this desert Examples are oases of Kharga, Dakhla and Farafra and Siwa marine oasis in Egypt, as well as an oasis of Kufra and Jaghbub Blabiaouahh Salah and Touggourt in Algeria and frequently also by the oil fields, such as: El Alamein, Razzaq, Maliha, or blessing, Abu Gharadig Egypt and the hopes and Congratulations and Zaltan and Gallo and pit oasis in Libya and was appointed Amnas and Scorpio harsh and Hassi Messaoud and seven Reggane in Algeria. The limits of this desert north Atlas mountain range which is about Celestine replay of the mountains Ihsran their range of high plateaus most famous plateau Ctoot Algeria and Alslstan fully to Tell Atlas north is desert and the Atlas desert south lies the Atlas mountain range north-west of the Sahara and there are also a set of sporadic mountains lik...